A neighbor graciously donated their photo album to the SBIA. What was inside is a treasured look back in time…
Johnny and Gracie Kime 80 Sunset from left: Johnny Kime, Gracie Kime
Ray Johns starting work for garage for 70 Sunset Drive. Looking across Toad Hollow toward 37 Sunset Cove (photo cred. Kime family album) Looking toward “Flag Pole House” circa 1953 (photo cred. Kime family album) 1955- Path to beach, all sand. Note 52 Sunset Drive and white house which burned and was replaced with 54 Sunset. “Flag pole house” later replaced with 53 Sunset Drive. (photo cred. Kime family album) Ray and Roy Johns laying foundation for 70 Sunset Drive circa 1955 (photo cred. Kime family album) Leveled lot for 70 Sunset Dr (Ray Johns) Note- 60 Sunset in background and “Flag pole house” about where 53 Sunset is today (photo cred. Kime family album) Ray (front) and Roy Johns looking for water for 70 Sunset circa 1953-54 (photo cred. Kime family album) 1953-54 – Grading lot for 70 Sunset. White house across arroyo later burned and is now where 54 Sunset is today (photo cred. Kime family album) Ray and Roy Johns clearing lot for 70 Sunset Dr. circa 1954-55 (photo cred. Kime family album) Ray and Roy Johns putting foundation for 70 Sunset Drive (photo cred. Kime family album) 1954-55 (photo cred. Kime family album) arial of neighborhood (photo cred. Kime family album)