Our resident bee keeper, Adam Kaiser, led our inaugural gathering of neighbors who convened on a sunny Sunday afternoon. His love of bees shined through as he filled our minds with many interesting facts about bees; their origin, life cycle, caste system, eco importance, what’s threatening them, and more.

We started in the house where Adam had video clips and slides to share with us. We eventually moved out on to the beautiful back patio where we got to see a bee box tray with workers bees busy working and a lone drone.
We were also treated to a tasting of an array of different honey. I overheard most tasters agree that the honey harvested from right here at Sunset Beach was the overall favorite with Manuka being a close second.

Adam set the bar pretty high with this first salon. Though in his opening he joked that this discussion would be 4 or 5 hours, I don’t think anyone noticed the hours that quickly passed. There were so many questions he answered as we were all fascinated by these pollinators.

If you are interested in learning more about bees, Adam recommends “Bees- Living for the Queen” which is available on Amazon, free for Prime members. Or – better yet – if you would like to start a hive of your own – Adam said he ‘is always available to help!’ contact: adamkaiser@comcast.net
Adam was kind enough to share his slides from the day.

Thank you Adam and Patty for graciously hosting, and to Adam for leading our first Salon (gathering).
If you have a great idea for a Salon or would like to host, contact gosunset@gmail.com